Best keyboard shortcuts for facebook

In this article you can find info about the Facebook keyboard shortcuts and how to use them while browsing through the website.
Such keyboard shortcuts will help you easily access numerous areas of Facebook and so you can browse faster through wall posts, friends list, messages list, settings menu etc. I recommend you to try learning and using the keyboard shortcuts for your Facebook Profile. However, there will be some areas that will require you to use the ‘beloved’ mouse cursor, as there isn’t a keyboard shortcut set for every single Facebook area.

Below are the keyboard shortcut combinations that you can use to access Facebook menus faster and easier. Please note that you will have to press both keys at the same time.

Alt+1 – will take you to the Home menu.
Alt+2 – will take you to the Wall menu.
Alt+3 – will display the Friends Request List
Alt+4 – will show the Messages list.
Alt+5 – will display the Notification list.
Alt+6 – will display the Facebook Account settings page.
Alt+7 – will show the Facebook Account privacy config menu.
Alt+8 – will show the Facebook fans group list.
Alt+9 – will display the Facebook Statement of Rights and Responsibilities.
Alt+0 – will show the Facebook Help Center.
Alt+m – will allow you to create a new message.
Alt+? – will enable the cursor in the Search field

These are all the keyboard shortcuts that you can use to navigate easier through your Facebook profile. This will work for Internet Explorer and Google Chrome. If you’re using Firefox then you should hold the SHIFT key along with the keyboard shortcuts. That’s it.

Enjoy using Facebook with these shortcuts. J J J

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