Internet Explorer 9 Advantages and Disadvantages

Microsoft launched the Beta version of Internet Explorer 9 (IE 9). It has created a good buzz and even forced likes of Google Chrome to shoot up their advertisements. So lets see here, if IE 9 is worth the buzz. Whats good about IE 9 and Where does it lacks?
ie9 logo Internet Explorer 9 Advantages and Disadvantages
Advantages of Internet Explorer 9 (IE 9):
  • A Very Simple and Decent hassle free User Interface
  • Speed is good, better than earlier versions of IE
  • Improved JavaScript Engine
  • Support for HTML5
  • Compatible with Latest Web Standards and Services
  • UI emphasizes more on the content you are viewing, rather than the toolbars, status bars, logos of IE, they are all hidden in IE 9, what you will see is just the trademark “e” sign at the top.
  • Browser warns when an add-on slows down the browser’s performance
  • Ability to Pin your favorite websites to the Window’s Taskbar
  • New Download Manager
  • Some UI changes are weird and will be uncomfortable for users in the beginning. For example: The address bar aligned with the tabs in the same row
  • To Update the browser, it needs to be restarted. User’s may not prefer that
  • HD Video performance is better in other browsers
Overall IE 9 wins over its older versions, however its still in Beta phase, once released with full built, its challenge would be to compete with Firefox and Chrome. But there is no doubt that Microsoft has done a good job with IE9

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