4 Free Tools To Test Website Load Time

1. Sucuri Load Time Tester

This is one of my favorite website load time testing tools as it tests loading time from multiple places at the same time.
One of the most important aspects here is: “Time to first byte” which tells us how long it took for the content to be sent back to the browser to start processing the page.

2. GTMetrix

This is the first website which I usually recommend. It analyzes your webpage and recommends changes which you should absolutely implement if you want to improve your site’s performance.

3. Pingdom 

This is another great website which checks your page loading time and gives you a great overview of the overall performance of your website.
It gives you a good idea of what element on your page is taking the most time to load. You can sort the results by various parameters like load order, load size, and so on.

One of the great things about Pingdom is it will give you an idea of what external script is taking the maximum time to load.  Also, history tabs will give you perspective on how your page loading speed has improved over time.

4. WebpageTest.Org

This is another popular tool to test the loading time and performance of your website. The best part is it offers various locations to test with and you can also select the browser you want to test your website’s function in.

These four tools are great and will give you useful information about the overall loading time of your page and how you can work on improving.


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