Inspiring books list - Personal growth

  1. Think and Grow Rich - By Napoleon Hill
  2. How to Cultivate an Unshakable Character - By Jim Rohn
  3. Learned Optimism - By Martin E. P. Seligman
  4. The Power of Ambition - By Jim Rohn
  5. Become What You Are - By Alan Watts
  6. The New Psycho-cybernetics - By Maxwell Maltz and Dan Kennedy
  7. Awaken The Giant Within - By Tony Robbins
  8. The Closer's Survival Guide - By Grant Cardone
  9. 100 Ways to Stay Motivated - By Grant Cardone
  10. Raving Fans - By Ken Blanchard an Sheldon Bowels
  11. Eat that Frog - By Brian Tracy
  12. The War of Art - By Steven Pressfield
  13. How to Stay Motivated - By Zig Ziglar
  14. The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People - By Stephen Covey
  15. If You're Not First You're Last - By Grant Cardone
  16. The 4-Hour Workweek - By Tim Ferriss
  17. The Chimp Paradox - By Steve Peters
  18. Mastery - By Robert Greene
  19. Sell or Be Sold - By Grant Cardone
  20. Drive - By Daniel H. Pink
  21. Unshakeable - By Tony Robbins
  22. Grit - By Angela Duckworth
  23. Leaders Eat Last - By Simon Sinek
  24. Life’s Golden Ticket - By Brendon Burchard
  25. The Worry Cure - By Robert L. Leahy
  26. Meditations - By Marcus Aurelius
  27. Daring Greatly - By Brene Brown
  28. Mindset - By Carol Dweck
  29. Relentless - By Tim Grover
  30. The Passion Test - By Janet Bray Attwood and Chris Attwood
  31. The Power of Intention - By Dr. Wayne Dyer
  32. Switch - By Chip Heath and Dan Heath
  33. The Year of Magical Thinking - By Joan Didion
  34. Anyway - By Kent M. Keith
  35. Unlimited Power - By Tony Robbins
  36. How to Practice - By The Dalai Lama
  37. Disrupt You - By Jay Samit
  38. Bold - By P. Diamandis and S. Kotler
  39. The Power of Positive Thinking - By Norman Vincent Peale
  40. As a Man Thinketh - By James Allen
  41. The Brain That Changes Itself - By Norman Doidge
  42. Authentic Happiness - By Martin E. P. Seligman
  43. Flow - By Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi
  44. How Good People Make Tough Choices - By Rushworth M. Kidder
  45. Phantoms in the Brain - By V.S. Ramachandran
  46. Emerson: Essays and Lectures - By Ralph Waldo Emerson
  47. Man’s Search for Meaning - By Viktor E. Frankl
  48. Outliers - By Malcolm Gladwell
  49. Happy for No Reason - By Marci Shimoff
  50. The Talent Code - By Daniel Coyle
  51. Stumbling on Happiness - By Daniel Gilbert
  52. Emotional Intelligence - By Daniel Goleman
  53. Eleven Rings - By Phil Jackson
  54. The Moral Animal - By Robert Wright
  55. The Art of Happiness - By The Dalai Lama
  56. Mastery - By George Leonard
  57. Secrets for Happiness & Success - By Og Mandino
  58. The Six Pillars of Self-Esteem - By Nathaniel Branden
  59. Willpower - By Roy F. Baumeister and John Tierney
  60. The Art of Possibility - By Rossamund Stone Zander
  61. Living a Life that Matters - By Harold S. Kushner
  62. Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff - By Richard Carlson
  63. Sometimes You Win Sometimes You Learn - By John Maxwell
  64. The Obstacle is the Way - By Ryan Holiday
  65. What does it Mean to be Human? - By Frederick Franck, Janis Roze, and Richard Connolly
  66. The Charge - By Brendon Burchard
  67. Predictably Irrational - By Dan Ariely
  68. The Power of Myth - By Joseph Campbell
  69. Extreme Ownership - By Jocko Willink and Leif Babin
  70. Incognito - By David Eagleman
  71. Antifragile - By Nassim Nicholas Taleb
  72. Group - By Paul Solotaroff
  73. Linchpin - By Seth Godin
  74. Onward - By Howard Schultz
  75. Start With Why - By Simon Sinek
  76. The 8th Habit - By Stephen R. Covey
  77. The E Myth Revisited - By Michael E. Gerber
  78. The Four Agreements - By Don Biohel Ruiz
  79. The Success Principles - By Jack Canfield
  80. Therapy for the Sane - By Lou Marinoff
  81. What should I do with my Life? - By Po Bronson
  82. Zero to One - By Peter Thiel

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