Weight loss in summer: try water workouts to burn calories

We all want the summer body but sans the sweat. Gyms and fitness centres are too stuffy in the summer and the outdoors is too harsh. This summer try out workouts in the pool, beat the heat and get the summer body you yearn for. Most times a dip in the pool is either associated with a swim or relaxation. But a pool can be used as a place to exercise and replace your land workouts in summer, says Pooja Arora, Speedo Fitness Expert. 

How do I workout in the pool?
A workout in the pool would be similar to land workouts with a few tweaks. Start with a warm-up of 5/10 minutes– it could be a pool jog, you could incorporate kicks and punches, jumping jacks as part of the warmups.
Once the muscles are ready for the workout, you can up the intensity. Water workouts get tougher when the same movement is done faster. You could add some strength training too by using foam dumbbells or paddles. These equipments add more resistance and can be used for toning and strengthening. You could do an HIIT workout with various exercises done in quick successions with short rest phases. An HIIT workout helps in increasing stamina and helps decrease fat. Have you tried these weird and fun workouts?

Will I burn calories with a pool workout?
Water is much heavier than air and that means much more resistance while working out. An hour’s workout in water can easily burn 600 plus calories. Toning results from working against that much resistance. If a participant works out regularly in water and eats healthy, it’s only a matter of time that he or she will lose body fat. Results are quick and very visible with pool exercises.

How is a pool workout better than gym workouts?
Water is buoyant, keeps the body light and so the impact on joints while exercising is much lesser. Knee pain or back pain is something every other person is dealing with these days and despite such joint pains exercising daily is important for health. That is when pool workouts come to the rescue.
Athletes such as runners or cyclists can cross train with aqua fitness on their active recovery days. This reduces the risk of repetitive use injuries. Have you tried Aqua Zumba?

Tips for an effective pool workout
Always plan your exercise in detail, with warm-ups workouts and stretches before splashing in. Each day plan on working out on different muscle groups. Legs, upper body, core etc.

Keep yourself hydrated through the workouts, even pool workouts can dehydrate you.

Ensure you have a small snack two or more hours before the aqua session. This enables enough energy to workout. Working out in the pool immediately after a heavy meal could make you queasy so avoid that. You must try doing these fat-burning workouts this year.

Eat healthy through the day. Remember abs are made in the kitchen. For quicker results eat healthy along with your aqua regime. (Via theHeathsite)

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