How Your Favorite Websites Are Using Your DATA
The rise of social sharing sites has brought about an interesting change in how our data is being used. All of the different sites you frequent on a daily basis are actively gathering facts about you. You may have noticed that when you were searching for a perfect new summer tank top on Urban Outfitters, that when you left to check other websites those same tank tops started following you in ads on those new sites. Social networks are betting on a future built on a personalized web, an Internet paradise filled with items the virtual you will be more apt to share, pin, tweet, or “like.”

Social sites, search engines and applications are increasingly using our information in an effort to provide a more personal web experience. Facebook, Pinterest, Google, Pandora, and Twitter are some of the most popular websites that are changing the way we are being advertised to. The value of this change will bring more of the products and services we actually enjoy and want to look at, instead of all the junk we aren’t interested in, or even remotely care about. As we wake up to how the web is changing, it will most likely be seen as a fair exchange for the information we offer to companies and advertisers in our social profiles. It will also create a more personalized way for brands to interact with their customers.
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