Pretty in pink (with a dash of blue): The common blue butterly, the Polyommatus icarus, a Northern Hemisphere variety

Sweet refreshment: A dragon fly cradles a raindrop as it perches on a branch

A colourful character: The sympetrum fonscolombii, red-veined darter, a native dragonfly of southern Europe who in recent years has made his way up to the UK and Ireland

Red alert: A stunning close-up of a fly caught up in some pink wool is an incredible example of macro-photography
Nobody really likes insects, bar a few cranks, natural historians and curious toddlers.
But these amazing images lend them the kind of pictorial beauty normally reserved for fluffy kittens.
The pictures are from the style of macro-photography where typically the finished portrait of a subject is greater than the life size.
The stunning examples here capture insects not normally seen by most of us.
From a colourful dragonfly holding a raindrop between its legs to a caterpillar nestling in a flower, each picture presents a level of detail rarely seen before.
The photos were shot all over the world but one thing for sure, you wouldn't be so impressed if one of these fine subjects was making its way up for shoulder.
Just blending in: A praying mantis looks poised for a kill while right, a Leaf Katydid sits on an aloe in the Thanda Game Reserve in South Africa

Peek-a-boo: A praying mantis and another unspecified bug play cat and mouse on a branch

Primary colours: A bright blue caterpillar with a yellow face make its way round a petal but, wait, what's that hiding in the middle of the flower ... his buddy, perhaps

Getting cozy: Seven spot ladybird, the Coccinella 7-punctata appears comfortable in a camelia

The great debate: Grasshoppers meet on the broad leaf of a plant to make a lot of noise together

It came from another planet: A praying mantis in her all glory
Name that insect: A tight, close-up view of a white moth, and right, honey bees get to work on an orange helen's flower (Helenium) 'Sahin's Early Flowerer'
Nectar: A crab spider hugs a Campanula flower and, right, a Meadowhawk dragonfly (Sympetrum) makes light work of some Timothy grass
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