The Ultimate Productivity Hack: How I Replaced 15 Apps with One AI-Powered Tool

 Challenges of Productivity Apps

  1. Multiple Apps: We have tried 15 different productivity apps, including ChatGPT, Jasper, CopyAI, Trello, Asana, Monday, Notion, Google Docs, Obsidian, Lucid Chart, Whimsical, Miro, Slack, Zoom, and Teams.
  2. Difficulty in Finding the Right Tool: The author found it challenging to find the right tool for their needs, leading to the discovery of Taskade.

Taskade: The All-in-One AI App

  1. Automation of Tasks: Taskade can automate over 700 tasks with custom AI agents, allowing users to create AI chatbots, project assistants, and workflow generators.
  2. Dynamic Workflows: The app enables users to generate dynamic workflows, including to-do lists, flow charts, project sprints, and SOPs, which can be visualized in multiple dimensions.
  3. AI Assistant: Taskade's AI assistant helps users brainstorm and coordinate tasks, allowing them to chat with tasks and documents almost lazily.
  4. Note-taking: The app helps users organize their thoughts and ideas by creating smart, structured outlines that mirror the brain's natural organization.
  5. Team Collaboration: Taskade allows users to share projects with anyone, anywhere, using shareable links, and offers advanced features for customizing workspaces and real-time collaboration.

Limitations and Future Directions

  1. Flaws: The author notes that the developers of Taskade focus on adding new features rather than improving existing ones, which can lead to malfunctions in beta mode.
  2. Potential: Despite these limitations, the author believes that Taskade could be the future of productivity, especially as AI develops further.


  1. Overall Benefits: The author concludes that Taskade offers significant benefits, including increased productivity, automation, and collaboration, making it a valuable tool for anyone looking to streamline their work.
  2. Recommendation: The author recommends Taskade as a powerful productivity tool that can replace multiple apps, especially for those who want to automate tasks and boost efficiency.

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