16 Tips to increase Blog traffic
16 tips to increase blog traffic
- Write good, short, pithy (concise), topical posts that people want to read and share.
- Use social networks to tell people about your posts. Sharing your links there lets people in your network to check your blog posts. Create a community page or group for blog.
- Participate at forums and blogs of your niche. Use your blog URL in the signature.
- Structure and emphasize the arguments using images, lists, bold, italics, underline,strike-through, when needed. It helps the readers to scan the arguments easily.
- Submit your blog to top blog directories.
- Write on other blogs and invite others to write for you. It’s a great idea to expose your blog to other blog’s readers. You should exchange links with fellow bloggers of your niche in theblogrolls.
- Link wisely. In your posts, try to provide helpful links for your readers. Give related internal and external links in the sentences without changing their meanings.
- Comment on other blogs. Always use your blog URL while commenting on blogs.
- Syndicate your blog content with an RSS feed. This will help people to catch the updates of your blog.
- Use Linkbacks/trackbacks. These help visitors on your blog to link your posts back to their website or blog, hence increasing the link popularity.
- Always reply / answer to comments / e-mails from your readers. It always keeps the effective communication ahead and makes people comment often.
- Tag your blog posts on Social Bookmarking sites.
- Submit your blog to top Search Engines.
- Keep in mind the SEO. Always use keywords in the URL of blog posts, ignore models like in, at, for, the, to, of and others. Use meta tags in your blog template. Use appropriate keywords in your blog posts.
- Use a top level domain. If you want to be a professional blogger, you should register a .com/.org/.net domain for your blog. Get one here.
- Use good, easily navigable web layout. This is a crucial thing which most bloggers ignore. It is directly related to how people feel and interact with your blog.
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