Funny quotes and messages!!

Man: You idiot, you gave me a woman’s ear
Doctor: It makes no difference
Man: It does,Now I hear everything
but understand nothing...=P
If u wanna make someone look crazy on Facebook
just comment on their status & when they reply back delete your comment :D :D
The best way to make somebody remember you
borrow money from them. :p
Boy: Do u
have a pen?
Girl: Yeah s out of ink!
Girl: What?
you're works!
Boy: It doesn't work!
well,u try
go write "your cell phone
number" here.. P
An illiterate father with his educatd son went on a camping trip..
They setup their tent & fell asleep.
Some hours later,
Father wakes his son & asks: Look up to the sky & tell me what u see,?
Son: I see millions of stars.
Fathr: And wht does that tel u.?
Son: Astronomically,it telLs thr r millions of galaxies & planets.
Fathr slaps the son hard & says: Idiot 'someOne has stolen our tent' =D
Moral : Education ruins our commonsense. :') =p
Chosing Career Is Like Chosing Wife From 10 Girls....
Even If U Pick Most Smart,Most Intelligent, Beautiful Girl,There's Still Pain. :(
There is only 1 perfect Wife in the world... Every husband thinks the neighbour has it...!! ;)
Every woman in the world is beautiful...........except the ugly ones
I Like to do impossible things..
As nothing is impossible,
So I do Nothing
Height Of Happiness-
Boy Got Job In Girls Hostel
After 2 Months
Owner Asked- Why Don't U Come 2 Take Ur Salary
Boy- Wah, Salary As well, lolz
Gf-i m prgnent
bf- r u sure that is my baby
gf- why everyone ask me same question
Suppose grls are
Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
Joke over..:D
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