18 tips to keep you safe from summer heat

Summer heat waves can be deadly. With the news of heat wave across our country and numerous people getting hospitalised every day because of this fatal heat wave, it is critical for you to take precautions and make some diet and lifestyle changes that will save you this summer. Heat waves have also been associated with mortality according to a few studies[1] that show due to global climate change the heat waves have been increasing in intensity, duration and frequency. The news agencies have it that the heat wave is here to stay and has already affected many states. The heat wave continues to sweep across ten states including the national capital where the temperature has risen to 38.3 degrees Celsius, three times above the average.And the India Meteorological Department (IMD) have also warned that the heat wave  is to continue for a few days. Places like Rajasthan, Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Uttar Pradesh, Jharkhand, West Bengal, Odisha, Gujarat and Haryana have to be extra careful.
Here are some tips for you to keep in mind this summer: The passive heat avoidance isn’t enough to combat the ill effects.

  1. Studies [2]suggest that you should spend at least spend two hours in an air-conditioned environment to reduce the impacts of heat.
  2. If possible have retrofitting wall, and ceiling insulation, installation of awnings, blinds, double glazed glass, tinted windows
  3. Replace appliances and lighting with energy efficient and less heat producing appliances [3]
  4. Stay hydrated, drink a lot of fluids, juices. Avoid caffeine or alcohol.
  5. If outdoors, take mini breaks in between and come in shade.
  6. Listen to local weather forecasts
  7. Know about the temperature and heat index. There’s a difference; the heat index is the temperature that is felt by the body when it is affected by both heat and humidity.
  8. Maintain a cool kit that can include all the items to keep you cool when you are stuck in too much heat.
  9. Eat small meals from time to time.
  10. Do not be a victim of extreme temperature changes
  11. Wear cotton clothes.
  12. According to Neha Chandna, a famous nutritionist, you should eat sabja, lots of fresh fruits, raw salads. Eat curd as it has gut-friendly bacteria which improves digestion and boosts immunity
  13. Raw mango and aam panna can help balance electrolytes in the body
  14. According to Dr Aastha Sharma, onions, especially red onions help you keep your body cool.
  15. Keep your umbrella and scarf handy
  16. A study[4] suggests that fans can increase dehydration in a room exceeding 35-degree celsius. It stresses on using tepid water to cool bodies.
  17. Start your work early don’t leave anything for mid afternoons
  18. Try staying indoors as much as possible
Keep these tips handy and share it so that it may reach as many people as possible. People are dying of heat, your one share may save someone’s life.

[1] Dong, W., Zeng, Q., Ma, Y., Li, G., & Pan, X. (2016). Impact of Heat Wave Definitions on the Added Effect of Heat Waves on Cardiovascular Mortality in Beijing, China. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 13(9), 933. http://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph13090933
[2]  Studys[2 Bouchama A., Dehbi M., Mohamed G., Matthies F., Shoukri M., Menne B. Prognostic factors in heat wave related deaths: A meta-analysis. Arch. Intern. Med. 2007;167:2170–2176. [PubMed] [Ref list]
[3] Action Plan to Protect the Health of the Population of the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia Against the Effects of Heat-Waves. [(accessed on 29 April 2011)]
[4]  O’Connor M., Kosatsky T. Systematic Review: How Efficacious and How Practical are Personal Health Protection Measures Recommended to Reduce Morbidity and Mortality During Heat Episodes? The National Collaborating Centre for Environmental Health; Montreal, QC, Canada: 2008. (Via thehealthsite)

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