Tech jobs that can earn you the most money

A senior developer at a private tech company with little funding earns about $73,000 a year while a senior developer at a public company earns an average of about $130,000. No matter where you work, however, you’re going to make the most money as an architect or senior product manager, according to Comparably.

Regarding location, San Francisco public companies pay the most across those 15 job titles. An architect at a public company makes $184,000 on average in San Francisco compared to $155,000 in Los Angeles.
Unsurprisingly, there is a nationwide gender pay gap between men and women working the same jobs. A male senior developer at a public tech company makes an average of $144,000 while a woman working the same job makes an average of $137,000.
The largest pay gap exists among sales managers, where men make $151,000 on average and women make $115,000 on average at public companies, according to Comparably.

Between March 2016 and February 2018, Comparably collected anonymous compensation data from more than 100,000 people at small, mid-size and large — both public and private — tech companies in the U.S. Comparably specifically looked at 15 of the most popular job titles in tech, like architect, data scientist, development, marketing manager, operation manager, product manager and others.
It’s worth noting that private tech companies sometimes offer equity as compensation, which is not taken into consideration in these calculations. Comparably did, however, take into account yearly bonuses. (Via Techcrunch)
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