Microsoft's antivirus software Security Essentials has identified Google's Chrome as malware

Problems with Microsoft Security Essentials

Microsoft's antivirus software Security Essentials has identified Google's browser Chrome as malware and removed the program from about 3,000 computers.

Security Essentials believed apparently that Chrome was a password-stealing Trojan for the Zeus family - Win32/Zbot - and hurried to delete the program.

Google responded with this This blog

the blog you can read how you sorted the problem

Microsoft apologizes that can be Read here
where they recommend that customers update

but you can not read about why the Security Essentials, did not know the difference between trojan and a browser
so one may wonder whether it has anything to do with that google has become too great a rival sicne soon google is No. 2 on the browser market, surpassed only by microsoft own browser

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